
Monday, May 2, 2011

The Benefits of Herbal Medicines in our Body

The past decade has been marked not only by technological advancements, but also by our growing clamor for products that are all natural and organic. As more of us grow more conscious and educated on the importance of herbs, the more our body enjoys and takes relief from the medicinal benefits that they give our body. Herbs are not only good for cooking healthy foods, but a good number of our population is switching from conventional medications to herbal remedies.

Humans have been using herbal medications for a thousand of years. Its origin can be traced as far back as 2800 BC when the ancient Chinese civilizations first documented the use of herbs 993KSGW995W8. Herbal medicine or herbalism is type of alternative medicine that utilizes plants or specific parts of plants in treating illnesses and injuries as well as increase a person’s over all well being.

Herbs are naturally endowed with medicinal properties to effectively and naturally heal our body. They can either be applied directly, prepared at home or extracted to produce drugs. It is interesting to know that most of our conventional medications like Aspirin are taken from plant extracts. As each herbs are used to enhance our body’s overall health, they are also advocated as homeopathic remedies, defined as a holistic approach to medicine.

Several extracts are known for their potent properties that address a number of illnesses. As they are free from chemicals, they are safe and without any unwanted side effects. Some of the well known herbs rich in medicinal attributes include ginseng, garlic, green tea, gingko biloba, schizandra, turmeric and many more. Many of these herbs can be incorporated into a healthy eating plan. Herbs like Echinacea have also been proven to boost our immune system’s natural defenses. Ephedra is effective in warding off respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma.

Aside from their medicinal properties, herbs are also widely used to enhance the skin and are given as natural remedies for acne. Tea tree, Dandelion, Jojoba and peppermint are just some of the most commonly used herbs to heal and protect the skin.

Herbal medications are also excellent in enhancing the body’s detoxification process. Herbs like aloe vera, alfalfa, garlic and chlorella are all used to cleanse our liver, colon and kidney as well as assist our body in the proper absorption of vital nutrients.

As we have been blessed with a limitless number of plants, their benefits are just as limitless. As science and technology are seeing the relevance of herbs in our society, more research is coming out into further harnessing the many benefits of herbal medications for our body.

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