
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Five Habits To Relieve Stress Eating

Five Habits To Relieve Stress Eating. The bustle and pressure of daily work time without us knowing twill bear stress. There are many escape to relieve stress, among which is the food. What is your favorite food choices as a stress reliever? Most people might choose ice cream or chocolate as a favorite stress reliever. We often stress transfer through the food that causes a sense of comfort. Next time when you want to relieve stress with select food or drink fruit teas without caffeine than coffee.A. Eat Meat
Red meat? Most of us avoid eating meat, but wait a minute actually meat have a positive effect for our body. Meat contains iron, vitamin B and zinc, all of these substances are needed to reduce stress levels. But if too much red meat can cause heart and cholesterol. So consumption in moderation
B. Cut Copy
Of course, one cup of coffee in the morning can increase the spirit of leaving office. But coffee also has a role in increasing stress. Caffeine makes your body releases stress hormones and increasing levels of stress keeps the body in the remains. Reduce consumption of caffeine will mengungangi amount of hormone that is released andrenal gland and makes you not feel the pressure too.
C. Drinking a Glass of Milk
Add the milk in your diet to be one of the best ways to give your body what it needs, but also keeps you feeling calm. Glass of milk to increase the intake of anti-oxidants, vitamin B, protein and calcium in your body. All these substances are important for your consciousness.
D. Fish Consumption
Fish, especially tuna and salmon in the menu will help you stay on track, stress-free. These types of fish contain vitamin B which is useful to increase serotonin, a substance that is useful in preventing depression. Enter the menu of this fish in your diet at least twice a week.
E. Eating With Regular
Diet to relieve stress is actually easy to do, the most important, try to always eat natural foods, avoid foods that are processed instantly or in the factory.

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